Our videos that have fallen victim to censorship represent an oppositional, different point of view compared to the narrative of the mainstream media. We do respect the decisions of major video portals, nonetheless we would like to make these videos available to our viewers. We believe that a true democracy needs an opposition. We would also like to note that these opposing views do not represent our view (the view of the broadcaster) but we stand for diversity of opinion.
Censored videos
The Stern magazine reports on a tea mixture against influenza
Already 13 studies have been published by the WHO, which prove the effectiveness of a tea mixture against influenza. It is a special recipe from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In China itself there are already hundreds of it. Even the German magazine “Stern” reported about it in November 2020 with the headline: Research team finds promising herbal therapy for moderate COVID-19 progression. A tea or tea blend that shows extraordinary efficacy in flu, viral respiratory infections, and does so with pharmacological and pharmaceutical safety. The health tea is called Shufeng Jiedu. Learn more about this tea against viruses in this video.
Coronavirus vaccine – an uncomfortable feeling
Everyone is talking about the coronavirus vaccine. The coronavirus vaccine is being hailed as the solution to all problems. Approval procedures have all been expedited, so that from January 2021, specially designated vaccination centers can begin using it to protect at-risk groups and healthcare workers as quickly as possible. The burning questions are: is this vaccination safe? What are the side effects? How do these different coronavirus vaccines work? Is this coronavirus vaccination the salvation we have been waiting for?
Did the USA cancel mandatory vaccines
Many changes have occurred in the United States under President Donald Trump. Many astonishing things have remained hidden from us Europeans. For example his actions in health policy, his critical view of vaccinations, his view of the use or abuse of fetuses and putting Robert Kennedy at the head of the CDC. This paints a totally different picture compared to what we see about Donald Trump in the mainstream media.
Corona RNA vaccination for COVID-19. Relief in sight?
Corona (COVID-19) is real and policymakers are pushing for a quick solution. The Corona vaccine for this seems to bring “salvation” soon. But is it really salvation? What can we expect from the Corona vaccine? What is RNA vaccination anyway? How certain is it that there is no vaccination damage? How long have tests even been done with this novel vaccine, which certainly has the potential to cause undesirable mutations (gene mutation)? Are there animal tests or are the tests done directly on humans?
Epstein Barr Virus HPV and Co.
Andreas Ludwig Kalcker is a researcher and biophysicist. He talks about a controversial substance and how it is already used internationally in various fields. The substance in question is chlorine dioxide. One of the most important aspects is that chlorine dioxide is extremely soluble in water without creating chemical bonds, which means it is a gas that actually dissolves completely in water. Chlorine dioxide is one of the most well-known disinfectants because of its ability to remove bacteria, fungi, parasites and also viruses, over a wide pH range.
Heavy metal contamination and how to discharge them
At the request of his doctor, the moderator Alexander Glogg got his heavy metal pollution analysed and has made a chelation therapy. In this interview we discuss what heavy metal pollutants were found in the blood and how much of them. Our conclusion is that everyone is well advised to detoxify his body from metals (especially aluminium) by a detox specialist.
Vaccinations Risks and side effects
Oppositional and controversial video: Vaccinations have been on the market for decades. Some longer, others shorter. Our guest Andreas Bachmair is a “damage expert” in vaccination damage and has built up a vaccination damage database that not only documents possible side effects, but also contrasts vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Likewise, the alternative practitioner has established himself as an expert in treating vaccine damage.
5G and our immune system have something in common
Some go up with their performance, others go down. This is probably the sad common ground. The scientist, physician and educator Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt explains in this video, how dangerous already the 3G network was for us humans and still is. The frequencies are not beneficial to our health. This is the consensus from the scientific community. Added to the frequency of the 3G mobile network is now 4G and 5G and thus the physical stresses to our body are potentiated.
5G Mass sterilisation, cancer predestined
This video shows an oppositional view to the existing mainstream facts. The facts mentioned in this interview are based on scientific studies. The result of these studies gives everyone a lot to think about and enough reasons to deal with the topic 5G again in detail. Is it possible that the 5G frequency has a sterilisation effect on the human body? Can 5G cause cancer? These and more questions are answered in this episode of NaturalMEDICINE by our guest Dr. med. Dietrich Klinghardt.
Corona vaccination from an ethical point of view (RNA vaccination)
Today we are talking about the new Corona RNA vaccination from an ethical point of view. The guest is Ruediger Dahlke, human physician and bestselling author of numerous books. Dalke says if he were to prescribe the drugs today that he learned during his pharmacology exam in university, he would go to jail.
Vaccinate – to be or not to be
In this interview with presenter Alexander Glogg of QS24 Swiss Health Television with the author, doctor and trainer Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke discussed the background of vaccinations, the advantages and disadvantages of vaccinations and also his personal view on this topic.
Do we still have a perspective
Dr. med. Ruediger Dahlke has been interested in critically evaluating the events since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. For him, facts, figures and studies are an important point to get an overview of the events. Corina Klein talks to him about the opportunities and risks for our society.